Jony Depp Optimus Prime Bumblbee Rayan Gosling Sergei Chepikov Timati Loboda Svetlana Fedor Emelyanenko His height is 178cm.So he's rather tall and slender. He has got more than 10 tattoos on his body.His hair is short dark brown. He has got large bright brown eyes. His nose is straight.His face is oval and his pronounced cheekbones are his characteristic feature. He wears a small beard and a moustache. He's 56 years old now.Prefer to wear modern and trendy clothes.His activities today: an actor, a screenwriter, a producer, a musician.He has got a daughter and a son. wb ex1 1 what do they look like 2 average 3 eyes 4 shaved 5 healthy/tanned 6 big 7 what is his hair like 8 dark brown hair 9 pointed ex2 Jamie George Neil ex3 1 shaved 2 wide 3 healthy 4 blond 5 prominent 6 slim